The very first thing you need to do after your phone takes a swim is to completely shut it down as quickly as possible to prevent it short circuiting. Many users will panic and attempt to get it turned on and working again, but that’s the exact opposite of what you should do.
After that, remove anything from the phone that can be removed, like the case, sim card tray, the battery cover, and the battery (if possible). This can allow trapped water to escape and make the drying process a bit easier.
From there, do whatever you have to do to get as much water out as possible—blow into it, shake it all around, anything. Your best option, though, is to disassemble your phone if you can. That way, you’ll have an easier time drying it completely, as well as an opportunity to clean the inside with some isopropyl alcohol in order to wash off all of the minerals and impurities left behind that could cause corrosion.
Oh, and don’t bother with rice. It doesn’t work. After all, if rice absorbed water that well, you should be able to “cook” it just by leaving it out on a humid day.