It Matters Where You Get Your New Computer From

It’s probably not a surprise to you to hear that not all computers are created equal – but if you’re in the market for a new computer, did you know there’s a big difference in the quality of what you can buy at your local retail shop versus the business class computers we can supply to you?

When you work with Info-Tech, we always ensure to source high-quality, high-performance business-class computers for your office that work within your budget. Don’t let the higher upfront cost scare you; if you’re looking for a great new computer, in the long run, they carry much more bang for your buck.

“Better quality” can be vague, so we’ve broken down the differences in your run-of-the-mill retail computer (think something you can buy at your local Best Buy, for example) and business class ones.


Retail Business Class
Cost $$

Typically lower than business class.


Only slightly more expensive than retail-grade.

Warranty Come with a basic warranty which usually lasts a year. You’re required to bring your computer into the store, and your data is at risk. Typically a 3-year Next-Business-Day warranty. Some models even include on-site repair.
Functionality Low functionality with basic performance levels. High functionality; best-in-class as per the chosen model and it’s desired use.
Upgrade Path Due to things like a limited ability to swap parts and minimal memory capacity, it’s usually not possible to upgrade your retail computer down the road. Can be upgraded with the addition of more disks, more memory, etc. as your needs change.
Durability Minimal durability. Many components, such as power connectors, are entry level, which shorten the lifespan of the computer. Robust and last for 7+ years. Some models can handle a drop with minimal to no damage.
Compatibility Because they are made for home use, they are outfitted with personal versions of Windows and/or Office. Typically, they cannot be integrated into a work environment with a server or Azure AD. Business Class computers come with the proper version of Windows to connect to a server in an office environment.


Generally, we never recommend customers purchase their new computers, but especially do not recommend retail products. As the chart above shows, although they generally have a cheaper upfront cost, they are also very cheap in construction, have inferior components inside, come with only basic warranties (for no extra cost) and the wrong version of Windows to work properly and effectively within your office environment.

Even if you are looking for a new computer for home use, we have better options for that, too. The business class computers come with unbeatable bang for your buck. The case for retail computers can only be made if you are accepting that they will need to be replaced in a year or two, or if your budget simply does not support a business class level machine. In those cases, we at Info-Tech would still like to assist with finding you the best model available to you.

If you’re due for a new computer or have questions about the equipment you use in your office, give us a call today at (514) 634-4636 x 101. We’re always happy to help ensure you get the best deal for your specific situation and budget.


Protect Your Business from a Data Breach With These 5 Tips

If you think the risk of a data breach or cyberattack is low, think again. According to the 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report by Verizon, every industry is at risk: last year, attacks were present from manufacturing to retail and from healthcare to administration, and everything in between. To safeguard your company from data breaches, it’s crucial to understand that not all attacks are from external sources – some are internal, and of course sometimes viruses get through accidentally due to employee mistakes.

No matter your industry, you have a lot to lose: your data, customer base, industry secrets, and proprietary information are all targets for attacks. As a cybersecurity expert in Montreal with 25 years of experience, I’ve put together five easy tips you can implement right away to help protect your business from a data breach.

  1. Implement an Employee Policy for Safe Use (anchor links)
  2. Remote Monitoring and Management Agents
  3. Install Proper Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware Software
  4. Have a Proper Off-Site or Cloud Back-up of All Data
  5. Install a Backup & Disaster Recovery Device

1. Implement an Employee Policy for Safe Use

Many businesses do not have any type of policy in place that sets boundaries for what employees can and cannot do on the internet and in e-mail accounts. To shield your organization from data breaches, your company should create a formal policy which all employees (current and future) need to sign which details information like e-mail best practices, rules for internet browsing, accessing social media sites, and completing personal tasks (like banking) on company time.

2. Remote Monitoring and Management Agents

Having managed IT services, such as Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) on every computer and server allows your business to be in a proactive rather than reactive position with security threats. Acting as a safeguard against potential data breaches, the RMM can automatically advise your IT support team that there is an imminent disk failure, low disk space, overutilization, and more to ensure it is fixed before you face an IT emergency that prevents your staff from getting work done. Depending on your anti-virus software, RMM can also alert your off-site tech experts when malware is present. Which leads us to…

3. Install Proper Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware Software

When you have a team of IT experts monitoring your network security, a proper business class anti-virus solution will have the ability to alert a central web portal when a virus or malware is present. This is a critical step in protecting your business from data breaches. Because we are monitoring that portal, we’ll be able to tell when a machine has any kind of problem before you or your employees notice. We can then push commands to that computer system to clean it of the virus, and update the anti-virus software if needed. In the case that a virus can’t be cleared through a command sent via the portal, we’ll be able to notify you and your employee, connect manually, and remove it that way.

4. Have a Proper off-site or Cloud Back-up of all Data

At the absolute minimum, your business should have a cloud backup that can safely copy your data for you at regular, frequent intervals. This backup strategy is essential to protect your business from the consequences of a data breach. This way, you have access to a backup in case of a ransomware attack, hardware failure, computer damage, or theft.

5. Install a Backup & Disaster Recovery Device

Hands down, the best thing you can do to make sure your business is protected in the event of any kind of attack or damage, is to install a Backup & Disaster Recovery (BDR) device with a cloud backup component. This comprehensive approach will significantly enhance your ability to protect your business from data breaches. If you have onsite servers, this is especially important. In fact, in our opinion here at Info-Tech Montreal, it’s crucial.

Protect Your Business From a Data Breach Today

Don’t wait for a data breach to strike. Protect your business today! Contact Info-Tech Montreal now for a free security assessment and learn how we can safeguard your valuable data and take the first step towards robust IT security & cybersecurity.

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