How to Insert a Signature into Microsoft Word

Ever wanted to add that personal touch to your Microsoft Word document? This step-by-step article will teach you how to insert your signature into Microsoft Word. By knowing how to do this, you can create more personalized and professional looking documents.

How to Fix When Wi-Fi Won’t Connect

With Wi-Fi being such an important factor of our day to day lives it can be frustrating when it will not connect as we rely on it for work, to stay connected with family & friends as well as entertainment. 

The below article will walk you through several different methods to rectify that lost Wi-Fi connection.

Stop Closing Apps on Your iPhone

Did you know that closing apps on your iPhone does more harm than good in the long run? Each time you switch from one app on your iPhone to the next that app enters an unresponsive state. When relaunching an app from the closed state it is using more of your battery life each time. Read the article linked below for other reasons why to you should stop closing apps on your iPhone.

An I.T. Checklist to Set Your Business Up for Success in 2022

Here we are again! The start of another year. Business goals have been set, major projects have been outlined, and your office is bustling with that energy everyone always brings with them after the holiday break.

But what happens if, in a couple weeks or months, a key computer crashes? Or a virus gets in and your team loses data? To prevent stress later, follow our checklist and get your business set up for success in 2022.

Check Your Computers

First and foremost, you want to make sure your computers are up to speed and won’t crash on you. How old are each of your computers? Remember that you probably didn’t purchase them all at the same time, so you might need to check individual records.

If they’re more than a few years old, they should be looked at. It may be possible to run upgrades on various components so you can get some more life out of them, but if they’re approaching the 5+ year mark, it may make more sense to replace them. We can help you assess your machines and, if needed, we can source new ones for you (with better warranty than what you would find retail!)

End-Point Protection

End-Point is the technical term for your computer, so your end-point protection is the anti-virus software you have installed that protects your data from malware. It’s crucial that every computer at your office (and the laptops that your team takes out on the road) are protected. However, not all anti-virus is the same! The best option is to set up a monitoring software that can detect malware before you notice it’s effects.

Confirm Work From Home Set-Ups

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as though our current situation is going to be changing anytime soon. If you haven’t yet, or if it’s been a while since you and your employees properly set up your work-from-home stations, it’s time to give it another once-over and make sure you have the proper equipment: two monitors, a docking station, and a wireless keyboard and mouse.

Not only is the proper equipment important to being able to get work done, but ensuring your setup is ergonomically correct is important, too. Consider bringing in a professional to conduct an ergonomic assessment for your team’s work from home stations.

Check Your Data Back-Up System

When was the last time you checked your data back-up system? Like anti-virus software, not all data back-up systems are the same. At Info-Tech Montreal, we don’t just back-up your individual files. Rather, our system takes a snapshot of your entire system on a constant basis. This allows us to help you get back up and running much faster should anything happen to your server.

This is especially important for those businesses with only one computer – like REALTOR®S or sales people who spend a lot of time on the road.

Are Your Storage Solutions Right for Your Business?

Cloud Computing (or Cloud Solutions) is what happens when any data or processes required to run your business are not stored on-site at your office location, but rather are stored in “The Cloud”, or in other words, across the internet in a data center. This can include your data (files), email, website, and database servers.

Cloud solutions are becoming more and more popular, but they’re not right for every business. Ask yourself: What are your needs and priorities today, next year, in 5 years? Before choosing either On-Premises or Cloud Solutions, we strongly recommend a consultation with one of our Virtual CIOs who will likely recommend an assessment.

You can’t hit your 2022 business goals if your infrastructure isn’t set-up and working properly. If you have questions about anything above or would like guidance on ensuring your business’s I.T. needs are being met, book a consultation today.

Cheers to 2022!

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