8 Cybersecurity Tips to Stay Protected in 2022

The below article has 8 Cybersecurity Tips to Stay Protected in 2022 that can help to improve your safety online!

Cybersecurity is something that should be at the forefront for all considering how much we rely on the online space for so many aspects of our lives. It stems from personal interest to banking to the workplace, and everything in-between. It is extremely important to stay protected in 2022. As technology continues to expand and grow, so does the chance of being in a not-so-safe situation.


How to Automatically Label and Move Emails in Gmail

You receive so many emails each day, why not optimize Gmail and have them move the emails for you by setting up labels. The article below will share step by step how to add labels to your emails in Gmail and they will automatically move to the corresponding folder. This will allow you to see them at a glance, and also in their proper folder. It will take some time to set up, however, it will prove to be worth it each day.

Click below to read the full article.


Have You Cleaned Out Your iPhone’s Lightning Port Recently?

When was the last time you cleaned out your iPhone’s lightning port?

It is commonly neglected, however it is an important thing to do. This can be used to prevent any issues with your iPhone charging if you periodically do this.

The below article will walk you through how to clean iPhone’s Lightning Port properly to ensure optimized use.


Google Says Chrome 99 Is Faster Than Safari on Mac

Google’s most recent update, Chrome 99 is faster than Safari on Mac. This was not the most significant update by Google, however, it does add speed to Safari and Android.  It is 7% faster than the current Safari, according to Apple’s benchmark test. If you aren’t using Chrome on your Mac, maybe now is the time to start. Read the full article below.


5 Tips to Better Organize Your I.T. Department This Summer

Can you feel it in the air? Spring is just around the corner and while we’re hanging on to every last bit of ski season, we’re also looking forward to the fresh start that comes with a new season.

Many folks take the opportunity when the weather turns warmer to do a spring cleaning at home – throw open those windows, dust off the furniture, and declutter the closets. While you’re at it, take that energy and give your business an I.T. spring clean-up, too!

Here are some of our top tips to declutter your tech set-up and systems this spring and set yourself up for a smooth summer (and rest of the year beyond that).

Spring Cleaning Tip 1: Delete Old User Accounts

When employees leave an organization, there’s typically a set off-boarding process they go through with HR: an interview process, hand-over work to a new hire or colleague, and make sure all loose ends are tied up. But what’s often overlooked is their User Account! Their email address, their log-in access via VPN, etc. – not only do these clutter up your server, but they are a security risk as well!

We’ve actually seen accounts from previous employees still active – with admin rights! We never assume the worst when an employee leaves, but forgetting to remove access rights is a major security risk.

Look through your system or better yet ask us to, and ensure the only active user accounts are for current staff, and that every user has the appropriate permissions.

Spring Cleaning Tip 2: Recycle Old Computers

Whether they’re piled in the corner of someone’s office or stacked in the server room, old machines do nothing but collect dust, take up space, and ultimately get in the way if anyone ever needs to access the area.

We have partnered with the Electronic Recycling Association, a nationwide business, to help you offload your old computers. Contact them directly or ask us about our recycling program, and with our IT Management, we can help arrange to have your office space cleared of clutter as soon as possible – you won’t even have to lift a finger.

Spring Cleaning Tip 3: Organize Your Server Room

Once those old computers have been cleared out, give the rest of your server room a glance. Are there tangled wires everywhere? Multiple different colors that seem to have no rhyme or reason? Servers on the floor, shelves, or stacked on top of each other? A thick coat of dust on everything?

We’ve seen it all when it comes to server rooms, but it’s important to keep them as cleaned and organized as possible. This will help make things a lot easier should a technician providing technical support ever need to access the area to make repairs or if they have to guide one of your staff to assist with troubleshooting.

Spring Cleaning Tip 4: Organize Your File System

Going digital can be both a blessing and a course. While it’s great to get all that paperwork off the floor or out of filing cabinets, it’s so much easier to let old documents gather digital dust, file things in the wrong folders, or have duplicates all over the place.

Set aside some time to do a thorough review of your file systems. Delete any duplicates, ensure that the folder structure and file paths make sense, and ensure the right permissions are given to the right people.

It’s also a good idea to implement a naming convention system if you don’t already have one in place.

Spring Cleaning Tip 5: Have Your Staff Clean Up Their Mailboxes

How old is the oldest email you have in your inbox? I bet it’s old! And the same goes for all of your employees, too. The most likely offenders are your Sent and Deleted Items as well as your Inbox!

Delete anything that’s more than 6 months old (trust us, you won’t need it) and set up a filing system to easily store and find emails for current projects that you must keep.

Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home. Organize your business, clear the clutter, and increase your security with our five tips and get yourself ready for summer. Questions? Email us today and let’s chat about how we can help in implementing effective IT Management services in your Business.

How to Stop Google Chrome From Blocking Downloads

Have you noticed that Google Chrome will sometimes block your downloads? They do this to protect you against what they believe are “suspicious”  based on their parameters. This can often cause frustration as you know that it is a trusted site and it is not suspicious.

Have you wondered How to Stop Google Chrome From Blocking Downloads?

The below article is going to walk you through step by step on how you can turn off this safety feature to get your downloads without any additional hassle.  You will learn how to do this on a Chrome browser, as well as Android and Apple products.



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