Signs of High-Risk Information Technology Security

In today’s world of technology, it is becoming increasingly easier for hackers to attack companies, as well as for data files and information to become lost. Many security threats can occur, ranging from attacks by hackers, losing your files due to server malfunctions/breakdowns, having your data breached, and more.

It is important to be aware of the signs that may determine whether your activities are potentially putting your company at high risk, regarding any of these security concerns. Not only is it important to be aware of these signs, it is equally important to discover ways to take preventive action so that your data is protected and secure.

Signs That You Might Be At Risk

Keep Your Software Up-to-Date

Firstly, your business is considered at high risk in terms of I.T. security if any of your company’s software programs have not been updated. By neglecting to update your software, you aren’t benefiting from new technological advances made by that software company for the purpose of upgrading your security system, to protect against a range of the latest security threats. Getting your software up-to-date is a way to mitigate the weak points consistently, identified in your software, as there are new fixes that are released regularly.

Always Have a Backup

A second way that you might be putting your business at high risk for I.T. security, is if you do not have all of your information or files saved in the cloud, or in a server, and backed up regularly. If there is an attack or a server disruption, and you have not made a backup in a while, there is a high chance that your files may never be recovered.

Teach Your Employees How to Secure Data

A third way that your business might be at high risk for I.T. security, is if there is no plan or policies in-place regarding cybersecurity. If employees are not informed on how to properly secure their data, information or files, there is a higher risk of a cyberattack occurring.
In these training sessions, it is important to inform employees about phishing links that may lead to an attack. and how they can spot the signs of problematic emails and links. Knowledge is power, and keeping your employees up-to-date with a cybersecurity strategy, is one of the best ways to prevent attacks created by human error.

At Info-tech Montreal, we offer trainings on best security practices and how to secure you and your team can secure data.

Get an I.T. Team

Another way that your company may be at high risk in terms of I.T. security, is if your company does not have a technical support team. Not having a Managed Service Provider (MSP), can increase your risk for I.T. security, as you may not realize you have a problem if professionals are not there to monitor the situation. Professional MSPs have an I.T, with individuals who have different specialites that allow them to react swiftly, and take the right steps for security threats that do occur.

Create Strong Passwords

Another sign that indicates that your activities may put you at high risk for I.T. security, is having a weak password. It is important to make sure that your passwords are strong, complex and contain enough characters, more than just letters, but symbols or numbers as well. This instantly increases the difficulty of any bot or hacker in search of such vulnerabilities.

However, having a strong password is not enough to be fully secure. New technology such as 2-Factor Authorization and Multiple Factor Authorization are now a must in order to keep your business secure.

Get an Assessment to Lower Security Risks

Now that you know some of the ways in which your business can be considered at high-risk, the information below is going to provide insights into how Info-Tech Montreal can help your company take the necessary precautions in order to improve your network security.

One way to prevent your business from becoming high-risk, is to have an I.T. security risk assessment. This assessment starts off with the identification of vulnerabilities and scans the vital areas of the technology network. Once the risks are identified and evaluated, planning can begin in the areas of your business that need the most time and energy to mitigate the I.T. security risks.

After mitigation of risks is planned, we begin to develop a strategy and apply security controls for each of the risks that we have identified in the first step of this assessment. While performing this step in the assessment, we may notice some holes that lead to a higher I.T. security risk. It is here that we implement specific tools to prevent any I.T. malfunctions.

By completing this assessment, you are helping the future of your business, in the case of any damage that may occur regarding your business’ security and information.

Overview of Solutions to Mitigate I.T. Security Risks

Here are other ways that companies can minimize the risk of data breaches, or any I.T. security concerns:

Update software programs to the latest version, to better protect against cyber attacks and other forms of disruption.

  • Back up files on a regular basis, in case of a server crash.
  • Set up cybersecurity and data breach policies, and conduct training sessions for employees, so they can spot potential cyber attacks and avoid them.
  • Hire an I.T. team to overlook and monitor all I.T. problems so that companies can focus on growing their business.
  • Use strong and complex passwords that do not contain personal information, which would otherwise then become an easy target available to hackers.

After reading this article, you are now aware of the areas you can focus on, in order to mitigate security risks, and prevent a data breach. Every company will have a different solution for optimal network security, but an experienced Managed Service Provider is essential to your business.

If you’re in need of high-quality preventive action, and monitoring of your company’s computer networks for improved security, contact Info-Tech Montreal. With an expert team on board, and nearly 25 years of experience, Info-Tech can optimize your company’s computer network, resulting in an improved network security.

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