Shielding Your Business From Digital Threats

In today’s digital world, cybersecurity is essential to protect sensitive data, maintain customer trust and ensure business continuity.

It protects not only your business’s data, but that entrusted to you by your customers. 

Without cybersecurity, you’re leaving yourself open to cyberthreats and hackers who want to take your data and use it for financial gain, identity theft and other nefarious purposes.

Cyberattacks cause financial loss, reputational damage and legal liabilities that can ruin a business.

Why leave yourself open to attack?

Protect yourself with diligent cybersecurity. Trust our leading solutions for cybersecurity in Montreal to safeguard your operations and data integrity.

Cybersecurity in Montreal - cybersecurity services

What’s your cybersecurity status?

Curious to see how secure your business is? Download our cybersecurity checklist and find out!


Did you know that it can take between 7 and 15 days to notice a cyber incident and about 25 days to recover from it? 

That adds up to more than one month of time spent detecting and managing an incident. During this time:

  • Your business is vulnerable to more cyberattacks

  • Your customers are losing trust

  • Your revenue is suffering and you’re racking up expenses while trying to recover

Don’t fall prey to cybercriminals who want your data.

Protect yourself with comprehensive cybersecurity services —the best insurance against the very real threat of cybercrime.

Protect your data and customers with expert cybersecurity solutions

Cybersecurity Solutions for Businesses in Montreal
Cybersecurity Services

Our cybersecurity solutions and support are a great fit for small- and medium-sized businesses who need protection but don’t have an IT team on staff.

For over 20 years, we’ve been providing our clients with comprehensive protection against evolving cyberthreats through our managed cybersecurity services.

Our team will make a proactive plan to protect your data and customers from harm. We’ll strengthen your defences, support your employees and create a response plan for when the bad guys come calling.

Whether you’re a new business wanting to establish a secure IT foundation or an established company seeking to fortify existing defences, our experts in cybersecurity in Montreal can help.

Reviews from happy clients

Outstanding service, easy to work with.

How can I say thank you for the marvellous and outstanding service I have received from Info-Tech Montréal. The entire team is easy to work with and extremely reliable.

We believe in quality so it was a pleasure receiving what we believe in with this company. If you are not using Info-Tech for your IT needs then I testify that you should without a doubt.

Great IT service that I trust completely.
Fast, friendly and competent service. They are great at explaining what is what IT wise and in terms that I actually understand. I highly recommend Info-Tech Montreal for all your IT needs.
I have been using Info-Tech Montreal as my main IT service firm for many years (both for my business and personal computer and networking needs). James and his team are professional and get the problem resolved quickly (sometimes behind the scenes). I highly recommend Info-Tech Montreal for their high quality service.
Being a small business and not being able to afford to have a full-time IT team, it is so helpful to have a great team available to us when we need them. Their service is quick and thorough. And most importantly, they explain it to me in a way that I can understand.
Been with Info-Tech for a few years now and extremely happy with the quality of their services and the fast response, very experienced professionals. Keep up the good work!


When you work with a professional IT firm, you benefit from our expertise and understanding of emerging cyberthreats. As part of our cybersecurity services, we’ll establish a defence strategy and ensure that your business is in compliance with regulations like Quebec’s privacy legislation, Law 25 (formerly Bill 64)

Our cybersecurity solutions include:

  • Strengthening cybersecurity defences

    Update firewalls, deploy advanced threat detection software, ensure all systems are up to date with the latest security patches

  • Raising employee awareness

    Teach your team to recognize and respond to cybersecurity threats and suspicious activities.

  • Creating a response plan

    Make a plan to ensure you quickly contain and eradicate a threat, and recover your systems after a cyberattack.


Cyberattack, malware, spear phishing, data breach.

While we’re getting used to some of these words, they still feel unfamiliar. Scary even.

If you’re ever feeling uncertain or worried about a cyberthreat, our team is here to help. We’ll skip the tech jargon and explain everything in clear language so you can understand any cybersecurity concern that arises and how we can help. No geek speak here!

Whether you’re an IT newbie (we’ve all been there!) or a seasoned pro, we’ll always meet you at your level of understanding.

Because when it comes to protecting your data and your customers, there’s no such thing as a stupid question.

Ready to take the next step?

Contact us today to request a free, no-obligation security audit and discover your system’s strengths and potential vulnerabilities.


In addition to ensuring that your computer system is well protected, Info-Tech offers comprehensive IT services to help you maximize its full potential.

Our valuable services include IT management, server management, IT consulting and more.

As a business owner, partnering with Info-Tech means you can optimize and protect your systems so it can continue to support your business today and in the future.

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