Info-Tech Montreal
3767 Boulevard Thimens #270,
Saint-Laurent, Québec
H4R 1W4
” A factory reset wipes your router’s custom settings and returns it to a like-new state. This is an important step when troubleshooting some network problems. Factory-resetting is relatively easy, but every router is a bit different. A reset isn’t the same as a reboot, which people sometimes mistakenly refer to as a “reset.” “
“According to Microsoft, Windows 10 no longer optimizes external storage devices for “better performance” as of the October 2018 Update. Instead, it optimizes them for “quick removal.” Here’s what that means—and how to change it if you like.
We don’t think every Windows user has to change this option. Despite how tempting “better performance” sounds, the default “quick removal” policy is fine for most people.”
Did you know that if you hover your mouse over the link in an e-mail; it will dhow you where the link will ‘take’ you? If the address looks ‘strange’ (odd mix of symbol and/or letters that do not form known words) and not like the address you’d expect for the context of the e-mail; likely it is not a legitimate e-mail/link. Beware and do NOT click the link; just delete the e-mail or forward it to your IT guys to have a look on your behalf.
“Unless you work from home, Google Maps is fantastic at knowing where you need to be, and how long to get there. But you did the math on when to leave. Thankfully Google can tell you that now too.”